Tulsa Divorce

What Are Divorce Forms:  Divorce Forms may also been known as Divorce Papers.  They are the legal documents that are required in order for you and your spouse to have an uncontested divorce, money-saving divorce, and time saving-divorce. The best divorce to have is an uncontested divorce.

What Is An Uncontested Divorce:  An uncontested divorce may also be known as an amicable divorce, simple divorce, or money-saving divorce.  Again, and uncontested divorce is the best type of divorce.

Why Have An Uncontested Divorce: Uncontested Divorces are relatively short and relatively cheap when compared to contested divorces.  Often times, when going through an uncontested divorce the spouses will save money, save time, and save themselves from having to experience the emotional roller coaster at the Court House that naturally results from a contested divorce proceeding.

  1. Save time;
  2. Save money;
  3. Save the parties and their children from the emotional stress brought on by a long litigated divorce.

How to Have An Uncontested Divorce:

With regard to having an uncontested divorce, keep in mind that the information you are reading on this website is not intended to be legal advice nor is it intended to be acted upon as if it is legal advice.  That being said, in order to increase your likelihood of having an uncontested divorce, we recommend that you take the following actions:

Step Number One:  Try to keep your emotions in check and try to keep the emotions of your spouse in check during the early stages of the divorce process;

Step Number Two: Communicate with your spouse about settlement of the divorce and do so in a way that both of you are able to keep your emotions in check; and

Step Number Three: Be reasonable with your demands.  When discussing settlement with your spouse, so long as you will be reasonable in your demands and your spouse will be reasonable in their demands, then the likelihood of being able to reach a full and final settlement will increase considerably.

What is Required In Order To Have An Uncontested Divorce: There are a few things that will be required of you and your spouse in order for you all to be able to have an uncontested divorce.  The main thing that is required of you and your spouse is ‘full agreement’.  With regard to reaching ‘full agreement’, the terms of the agreement need to include (but are not necessarily limited to the following:

A.  Full agreement on the terms of property and debt division;

B.  Full agreement on the terms relating to your children (if applicable); and

C.  Full agreement related to any and all miscellaneous terms which can include ‘restoration to maiden name’, ‘selling of the marital residence’, and ‘alimony’.

What Documentation Is Required Of Me To Have Divorce Forms Prepared: You should bring the following documents with you to our office in order to have your Divorce Forms prepared:

A.  Documents regarding property that you and your spouse own (this includes real estate deeds, car titles, and account statements for financial investments);

B.  Documents regarding debts that you and your spouse are responsible for (this includes credit card statements, mortgage statements, and statements showing the full balance owed on any medical bills and/or student loans that you and your spouse might be responsible for);

C. Pay Stubs from the past three months for both you and your spouse;

D.  Proof of health insurance for you, your children, and your spouse.  The proof for the health insurance needs to show the exact amout of the premium price that is paid for you, your children (individually), and your spouse; and lastly,

E. Proof of the exact amount spent each month for day care and / or child care related expenses.

Warning:  We strongly recommend that you avoid buying Divorce Forms from an online company offering cheapy divorce packages for little or no cost.  In the event that you do decide to spend money on one of those cheapy divorce packages, in the end you will experience a big loss of money, time, and effort because the legal documents included in the cheapy divorce packages are not prepared correctly.

Unfortunately for you, the legal documents that you have purchased through a online company offering cheapy divorce packages will have much control over the outcome of your divorce.  The legal documents will effect your children, your finances, and your living arrangement.  BE ADVISED that you should avoid doing business with such companies and BE ADVISED that you should have your Divorce Forms prepared correctly the first time in order to avoid wasting precious money and time on unnecessary Litigation.

Why Use Big Dog: Going through a divorce is a very difficult time in your life because you have so many questions and so few answers to those questions.  Our office staff has several years of experience helping customers just like you.

If you are in the unfortunate situation of needing to file for divorce, let us help you by providing you with valuable services that will make the divorce process seem less overwhelming and confusing.  Let us help you by providing you with accurate Divorce Forms that are prepared correctly.

During your time of doing business with us, keep in mind that our goal here at Big Dog Divorce is provide you with quality customer service, in the event that you have a question, you are welcome to call our office to speak with a member of our staff.  Again, keep in mind that our goal is TO HELP YOU.

What Is The Next Step:  If you and your spouse are in agreement on each one of the issues related to your divorce, you can call our office to get started.  The phone consultation is free and we will get started preparing your Divorce Forms right away.  Our number is (918) 895-5996.

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Call (918) 895-5996


Once you have made the hard decision to end your marriage and move forward with divorce, remember that the confusion and the pain you are experiencing is only temporary and the whole process will get much easier from this point in time moving forward.  Right now there is a lot of uncertainty in your life and you are asking yourself a lot of questions like ‘Where will I live?’ ‘Where will my children live?’ ‘How do I pay the utility bills that are due right now?’ and so forth and so on.

Further, to help you better cope with the uncertainty and the anxiety of the divorce process, we strongly recommend that you take the divorce process one step at a time.  Remember, right now you are in the worst of it and from this point in time moving forward your life will in all likelihood get much easier.


Once you decide to file for divorce, you should discuss the matter with your spouse.  Once you have discussed the matter with your spouse, then we recommend that you discuss the matter with your children.

With regard to communicating with your spouse, we recommend that you take the high road and you make it a A-1 priority to communicate to your spouse in clear terms that you believe the marriage has come to an end.  If you have been discussing the possibility of filing for divorce with a close friend or family member, we recommend that you seek input from that close friend / family member about exactly what to say to your spouse and just as important, exactly how to go about saying it.

However you choose to approach the subject, make sure that your spouse is not the last person to know about the divorce.  The worst thing that you could do in this situation is ‘not tell your spouse’ in which case your spouse will find out about the looming divorce ‘through the grapevine’.  When this happens, you can reasonably expect your spouse to have an ’emotional reaction’ that will just complicate your attempts at settlement discussions later down the road.

With regard to communicating with your children, we strongly recommend that you reassure your children.  We recommend that when you discuss the looming divorce with your children that you communicate the following:

Number One: Let them know that you will always love them regardless of the outcome of the divorce;

Number Two: Let them know that you are always available to them; and

Number Three: Let them know that absolutely none of divorce is their fault.


Once you have spoken with your spouse and with your children about your decision to file for divorce, then you are ready to begin asking and answering the tough questions which include, but are not limited to the following:

Number One: Where will I live during and after the divorce?

Number Two: Where will my children live during and after the divorce?

Number Three: What will I drive during and after the divorce?

Keep in mind that in regard to the looming divorce, the six questions above represent some very tough decisions you cannot afford to put off answering for too long.  In the event you do decide to procrastinate with regard to making the above listed tough decisions, then you are exposing yourself to the risk of being under-prepared which could severely complicate your entire divorce process.  That being said, in order to make the above listed tough decisions, let’s take it from the top and begin with Number One.


Your living arrangement during and after the divorce does not have to be extravagant.  We recommend that at least short term, your living arrangement will need to be convenient, practical, and affordable.  With regard to it being convenient, make sure your living arrangement is within close proximity to your children’s school, your place of employment, and the marital residence.  In the event that your living arrangement does remain within close proximity, then your entire divorce process will be much less stressful.

With regard to your living arrangement being practical and affordable we recommend that you ask yourself the following question ‘How much can I afford to spend on a living arrangement right now?’ and then after you have asked yourself that question, proceed to seek out a living arrangement that fits comfortably within your budget.


Your children’s living arrangement, like your own, should be within close proximity of their school, your employment, and the marital residence.  In the event that you are the spouse who is moving out of the marital residence and the children are going to live with you, then we recommend that your living arrangement take into consideration the children’s school-related  activities as well as taking into consideration the children’s sleeping accommodations.

If you are the spouse who is going to remain in the marital residence, then we recommend that you and your spouse discuss in detail the dynamic of the new living arrangements.  Further we recommend that you share with them information conveyed to you on this website with regard to your spouse’s new living arrangement being convenient, practical, and affordable.  By sharing this information with your spouse, you will greatly increase the likelihood that the new living arrangement will be workable for both parties and you all’s children.


All through out the divorce process, you will need to have reliable transportation.  This will remain true even after the divorce process is finalized.  During this phase of your divorce, during this ‘planning phase’, we recommend that you ask yourself the following question related to your transportation: ‘What will I drive during and after the divorce?’ Will the vehicle be reliable enough for me to transport my children to and from school?’ ‘Will the vehicle be reliable enough for me to transport myself to and from work?’ and lastly ‘Will that vehicle fit comfortably into my monthly budget?’  In other words, ‘Can I afford the vehicle?’ (Information Courtesy Of NEGTD, 2010)

tulsa cheap divorce forms,

 Call (918) 895-5996 


Here at Big Dog Divorce our staff members have years of combined experience helping customers who need a Tulsa Divorce at a reasonable price.  We take great pride in helping our customers successfully navigate this very difficult time in their lives and we strive to communicate to our customers that we are available to speak with them whenever they need Divorce Forms at a reasonable rate.

Here are Big Dog Divorce our staff members are highly experienced in preparing Divorce Forms and other Family Law Forms that include, but are not limited to the following:

Number One: Divorce Forms.  Keep in mind there are two types of divorces for purposes of Divorce Forms.  There are uncontested divorces and contested divorces.  With regard to Uncontested Divorces, that term simply means that both you and your spouse are in full agreement on each one of the issues and you all are ‘amicable’ in that you both want to finalize the divorce process quickly and cheaply.

On the other hand, with regard to contested divorces, that term simply means both you and your spouse are not in full agreement on each one of the issues and now, because of the disagreements between the two of you, you all will spend some time litigating the unresolved issues at the local Court House.

Number Two: Paternity Forms.  In a Paternity Case, the mother and the father are unmarried, but they still have at least one child together.  For purposes of legal documents, paternity forms are very similar to Divorce Forms with some differences of course.

Number Three: Motions To Modify.  In the event that you and your ex-spouse already have a Decree Of Divorce on file at the local Court House or if you all already have an order Of paternity on file, then in order to modify that decree or order Of paternity, you will need forms related to motions to modify.  The legal documents required for a motion to modify differ considerable from the legal documents used to file a divorce or a paternity case so be sure and explain your situation in detail to the staff member who you will speak with whenever you call our office.

Number Four: Other Types Of Family Law Related Forms.  Other types of family law related forms can include, but are not limited to motions for default, motions for temporary orders, petitions for guardianship, etcetera.

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Call (918) 895-5996

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